Connor Gomez
Senior Integrated Producer
BetMGM King Of Sportbooks
Honda Rvs.R Campaign
Carl's Jr. Habanero Ranch
Road Readers App
Smirnoff Web Of Infamy
BETMGM Frozen Giants
Carl's Jr. Prime Rib Venture
300 Feet of Adventure
Trophy Talk Social Media Campaign
Seamless How NYC Still Eats
Imaginary Friend Society Microsite
Honda Cook-Off Series
BetMGM King Of Sportbooks
Honda Rvs.R Campaign
Carl's Jr. Habanero Ranch
Road Readers App
Smirnoff Web Of Infamy
BETMGM Frozen Giants
Carl's Jr. Prime Rib Venture
300 Feet of Adventure
Trophy Talk Social Media Campaign
Seamless How NYC Still Eats
Imaginary Friend Society Microsite
Honda Cook-Off Series
Seamless How New York Still Eats
UGC TVC commericial produced during the pandemic.